
  • Manila Rope is a natural rope made from the fibres of the abaca plant.
  • It is economical and strong and also has natural resistance to all weather elements.
  • Holds knots very well but is affected by chemicals and mildew.
  • The rope is combustible
  • Does not float in water; absorbs water readily and fibres lose strength when wet.
  • Low energy absorption (do not stretch significantly under load)
  • Good abrasion and resist external wear well




  • Manila Rope is a natural rope made from the fibres of the abaca plant.
  • It is economical and strong and also has natural resistance to all weather elements.
  • Holds knots very well but is affected by chemicals and mildew.
  • The rope is combustible
  • Does not float in water; absorbs water readily and fibres lose strength when wet.
  • Low energy absorption (do not stretch significantly under load)
  • Good abrasion and resist external wear well


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